Phone FAQ

Sometimes you don't have access to a computer, but need transportation information fast. In such cases, dialing 511 on the telephone can help you find all the necessary information regarding area road conditions. Nevada 511 is available through landline and wireless phones.

This list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) is designed to assist you in better understanding:

  • How the Nevada 511 phone system works;
  • The information it provides; and
  • The most efficient ways to access the information.

If your question is not listed here or you can't find the information you need, please contact us.

Is there a cost to access Nevada 511?

The service is free, but carrier rates and fees may apply.

How do I use the Nevada 511 System?

Simply dial 511 from within Nevada or the toll free number of 1-877-NVROADS if calling outside of Nevada. An automated voice system will prompt you to choose from options such as Traffic Conditions, Driving Times, and Personalized Travel Services. You can respond verbally or by using the telephone's keypad.

In order to improve safety, the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) recommends that motorists call 511 before driving, or ask a passenger to call 511. Nevada law states that using a hand-held cellphone or other device while driving a vehicle is a primary offense. Authorities will issue a fine to any driver caught violating this law.

What do I do when the system cannot recognize what I am saying?

Nevada 511 uses a state-of-the art voice-recognition system to guide you through the menu options. Sometimes the system might have a difficult time recognizing your request due to one of following reasons:

  • If you are saying something that the system is not programmed to recognize at that particular menu.
  • While we have made every attempt to ensure that Nevada 511 is accessible to as many people as possible, the system might have difficulty understanding your voice.
  • Background noise could prevent the system from recognizing your request.

Please speak as clearly as possible, try to eliminate background noise and try not to use the cellphone while using your phone speakerphone.

What if the system is busy when I call?

The system may be experiencing an unusually high volume of calls when you tried to call the service, so the best advice is simply to call back. We are monitoring call volumes and if we need to increase capacity, we will do so. Also, if you are at home or work and have access to a computer and the Internet, you can always visit the Nevada 511 website for current information.

Who do I call to report a roadside emergency?

Dial 911 or local law enforcement to report emergencies. Or dial *NHP to report drunk drivers, traffic crashes, stranded or disabled motorists, or any suspicious incidents occurring on any of Nevada's roadways.

If I am traveling outside of Nevada, how do I connect to other state travel information phone services?

Most states support 511 as a regional phone number that can be called to obtain traffic information. However, the 511 phone number may not cover the entire state so if you are within an area where 511 covereage is not provided you may not be able to connect to the service.

Why do I not reach the Nevada 511 system when I dial 511?

There are three reasons why you may not reach the Nevada 511 system:

  • Your telephone company currently does not provide access to 511. The Nevada DOT has diligently worked to provide 511 on all local phone services. We will continue to negotiate with the State's landline carriers in order to provide 511 access to everyone who uses a landline telephone.
  • The Nevada DOT has agreements with wireless providers to provide access to Nevada 511, please write or call your vendor and ask if they will implement 511.
  • Certain office telephone systems cannot access this new three-digit code. Additionally, some pay telephone services may have not programmed 511 services yet. If your carrier or pay phone provider does not offer 511, you may dial 1-877-NVROADS for direct access to Nevada 511. If your office telephone is not programmed to allow 511 dialing, consult your office manager or telephone system administrator. Office Managers and Technical Support personnel can allow for the use of the 511 code by enabling the transmission of the 511 digits (3-digits instead of 7, 10, or 11) when dialed from Private Branch Exchange (PBX). Office Managers and Technical Support personnel should send the 511 digits to the local telephone carrier in order to connect to the 511 service.

How do I give my feedback on the Nevada 511 service?

The best way to give feedback is to use the Contact Us in the About menu of Nevada 511 website or leave a a comment at any time during a call. We will also periodically offer phone and web surveys as a way to receive information on the system.

How can I reach the Nevada Department of Transportation directly?

Dial (775) 888-7000 or email to contact the Nevada Department of Transportation.